Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Am Pregnant!


Ok so it has been a while since I have written. When I started this I said that I was going to do it every week, and I guess that people would get tired of hearing from me, and life gets busy. So oh well, here is today’s post! So, two or three months ago I shared my story with everyone of the past year and our decisions and regrets and how God provided a way to turn those around. So here is what happened in those two months since. The month after I had baby on the brain! I am talking everything I ate, drank, thought was baby. All I could think about was "when am I going to get pregnant?" and "what if it doesn't happen?" and so forth. Well that month went by and nothing happened, but, as in this whole process, God spoke to me that month. A girl in my church that is pregnant and has an AWESOME story herself got up and spoke. She told the story of how God spoke to her and she trusted God and did not count days, or take medicine, just trusted. She went on to say God told her He wanted the glory for her child, not the doctors. Now I had known this story but felt that it was God reminding me that He is powerful and he really does not need my help, but if He wants a baby He will give me one. Well month three came and I did not do my regular planning or anything else and wanted to take a month off of all that and just enjoy my life. Every time a thought of baby came up I would say I want your will God, not my own. I focused on how blessed I truly was and as much as I wanted another baby God’s will is perfect. So the month went on and even though I was not counting days I still knew when to test. So I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I was a little disappointed but knew that God’s plan was perfect. Well a couple days went by and I was late, so I took another test and it was positive!!!! I was so happy and excited and words cannot describe how I felt. God had chosen to bless us with another baby. Well then on Tuesday there were some problems, I had to go get some blood work done. On Wednesday the results came back. My HCG was in a good range but my progesterone was low. Now the progesterone is what prevents your body from having contractions, and gets proper blood flow to the uterus and all that good stuff. So they started me on a pill and said we are going to check your HCG on Thursday to see if they had caught the problem early or if I miscarried the baby already. So as any mother can imagine I did not sleep well through the night and the whole time I kept praying, God I want your will, but if I am being honest I really want this baby to be ok! My HCG needed to be at 140 so all night I kept thinking ok God lets boost those levels, 140, 140, 140, then I stated praying, let’s blow 140 out of the water so there is not question, 150,150,150! So I woke up got my blood drawn and waited. The results came back and it was at 156! So not only did God answer, He one upped my request, He raised the bar on me. So now I sit here today with full confidence that God wants this child here. I cannot wait to meet this person! When we turn our will over to God and let Him take control, it is pretty amazing what He can do!!! I want to thank all my friends who prayed with us through this whole process. I am so blessed to have you guys! Love you all!

Trust in the LORD with all your Heart, and lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and He will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday and is one of the most solemn holidays, but has a happy ending! I just finished watching “The Passion of the Christ”. I try to do this every year just to get a renewed perspective on what Jesus did for me and for you. The reality of His love for us really is unreal. I cannot imagine being Jesus and knowing what kind of world we are today and still saying “Yes I love them enough to endure the worst possible torture to save them, even if they choose not to love me.” That is pretty amazing. I praise Him for sacrificing His life so I can spend eternity with Him. Now, He commands us that with accepting His grace, love, and forgiveness we HAVE to do the same. I know I fall short on this so many times. So I am going to work very hard as seeing everyone through Jesus eyes. He was not up there for just me, He was up there for that person that just gets under your skin as well. So even though today is so sad I am thankful that it is not the end of the story! I am so looking forward to celebrating His resurrection on Sunday!!!! Praise God for the gift of His Son!

John 13:34-35-  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Life this Past Year

This is a very long first posting and I promise the rest won’t be this long but this is my past year and a good place to start. This story is very personal and kind of embarrassing to share, but it is nice to walk on a journey with friends so that we can all see God working and relate to one another. This is the story of my spiritual journey, baby Tapp number 3, and the past year. It is funny how, to me, this story is so personal and amazing, and to others it may not be at all. But, this was, if nothing more, a year that God pulled me so very close to Him and poured His love on me! So here it goes!

So all of this started in August 2008, me and Justin were driving home from a day at the zoo with Cole, he was asleep in the back and we were talking about how much we loved him and we were ready for baby two. So, I thought it would be like Cole. No problem and a baby would be on the way. This did not happen to be the case. We tried for seven months and then had to go on fertility treatment. At the end of April 2009 I found out that I was pregnant! It finally happened! So in June of that year there were some problems and I found out that I had lost a baby. Kyle was a twin, so as far as this situation goes if you are going to lose a baby that is the best possible situation. You go to the hospital thinking you are losing your baby and you find out you have, but you get to leave the hospital with the baby you went in with. Still, I took it very hard and, it sounds crazy, but to this day I still wonder what that baby would have been like. Would it have looked like me? Or, what would it have accomplished in life? But, I trust God needed that baby more than I did and I look forward to meeting it in heaven! So, needless to say, Kyle’s pregnancy was a hard one. Then, on January 4th 2010 we received our second beautiful boy! I praise God every day for both my boys! I am a major worrier and I told myself I was just going to enjoy this baby and not worry. So we just enjoyed Kyle! Then, day two in the hospital the nurse said we need to take Kyle and let the doc look at him. He is making some unusual noises and we are worried. So, this went on until he was 17 days old and we took him to a checkup where the doctor said that he looked like he was working to hard to breath. Of course, I am hormonal and a mom, so I panicked. We ended up taking him to Akron Children’s ER where they did blood work and x-rays and told me he was going to have to be put on a ventilator. We finally went home and were to follow-up with a pulmonoligist. She did a bronchial scope and found that he had a severe case of Laringomalagia, which is basically where the air way collapses when he breathes in. He will grow out of this (praise God) and everything will be ok! 3 Weeks later the doctor found a double hernia and hydrocele. Kyle was brought back for another surgery. One month later he was screaming constantly with no relief and was diagnosed with acid reflux. So, this took us to right around March. The reason I share all of this is so you can see where I was emotionally for the next part of the story!

So this is where baby Tapp number 3s story starts. It was April of 2010. I remember the day clearly. It was one of the first times I was going to be away from Kyle since he had been born. I had a dermatologist appointment and I was really looking forward to having some time to think. I was driving down the road thinking how nice it was to have Kyle through all the health scares and that I loved my family so very much. Then I thought this could be the rest of my life! I don’t have to go through another pregnancy or sleepless nights once Kyle starts sleeping and it all sounded pretty good. So I said a prayer and said “Ok God, if this is your will let Justin agree and we will go forward with the procedure.” Let me side step here because this is an important part of the story. Me and God were not really that close at this point. I was not going to church regularly, not tithing, not reading my Bible, and not really praying (besides at 3 in the morning to ask God to make Kyle sleep). This prayer about if this was the right decision was thrown up without really and truly searching for God’s will.  I went home that day and told Justin and he agreed with me so we called Dr. Kmetz at Canton Urology and scheduled his procedure. I kept it in “prayer” and went on with my life. Justin had the procedure done in May 2010. Life went on really well. We enjoyed our family and kids, we started training for a half marathon and between the two of us lost 80 pounds. We were happy! Then, Justin took samples to the doctor where they told us that the procedure did not work and we would need to test again in a couple months. So, a friend of mine that God used to plant seeds in my mind said “Yea, you should have more babies.” My first response was NO WAY!!!! Then a couple months went by and the procedure still had not worked. It was pretty likely that I would not get pregnant but the doctor wanted to do the procedure again. So God started speaking to me. I remember this day just as clearly as the first. Let me side step again and tell you where my spiritual life was at this point. I was back at church, reading my Bible, praying and truly needing God in my life! So back to His speaking. It was a Wednesday in September and I felt God saying, “maybe this procedure did not work because I have more planned for your family”. I tried to ignore it because this is not what I wanted. So I said, “Ok God, if this is what you want, Justin will agree”. (I knew Justin just wanted 2 so I thought this was a for sure thing!) So I came home and told Justin what I had thought and he said (to my horror), “I think the same thing.” So, we committed to God that we were going to try for the next 3 months. The first month I was kind of like “oh man, what are we doing?” Then as the months went on I saw that my heart was to have another child. So, I prayed and prayed and fasted and really searched God. I felt that God wanted me to have a baby, but the three months came and went and there was still no baby. During this time I did some research on vasectomy reversals, doctors that did them in our area and cost. I prayed and brought this idea up to Justin. He looked at me and said “No, if God wanted this it would have happened”. Well, time went on and he said “Ok lets pray and see what God says.” This brings us to January, 2011. At this time our church started a book called “Power of a Whisper”. It was perfect timing. It teaches how to listen to those small whispers from God. So, we prayed and prayed and God showed us that we were to go ahead with the reversal. My heart was so excited! So off to make appointments. We got Justin scheduled and me as well! We were ready to go. Justin’s appointment was first, the doctor said he was a perfect candidate and he was hopeful for us. Then it was time to schedule and here is where another wrench came into the plan. The cost was three times the amount I was told. We are not rich people at all and this amount of money was unrealistic for us to come up with (another time where God could shine). So we said “Ok God, if you want this for our family, provide this money for us thru a tax refund.” Next was my doctor’s appointment. I had been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which causes fertility problems. I did not want Justin to have this procedure and then have me be the problem. So, off to Dr Moody I went. The doctor did an ultrasound and said “You don’t have PCOS.” So God healed my body from something preventing me from getting pregnant…another sign from GOD! Last step was the money. So we filed taxes and God gave us $200.00 more than the procedure cost! It was a go! So on March 9th, Justin went through the 3 and a half hour surgery. This brings us to today. I am not pregnant yet, but this is one area in our lives that we need to leave to God. If I would have gotten pregnant that first month with Kyle I would not have Kyle so I wait to see and meet the child God will provide for us! So I will keep ya posted!When God so plainly works, we have to share His goodness! Thank you for taking the time to read this and be a part of my life!


Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.